Transformational Pathways"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." Lao Tzu
Our search for a better life, a more fulfilling lifestyle, one based on passion and purpose, one where we are happy and fulfilled and functioning at a high level of engagement...that journey begins here in the safety of the nest. Take Wing offers information, expertise, services, self care products and opportunities to help support and guide you when and where you need it. We are at your service. Where would you like to begin? (Don't forget to sign up and get notified about our latest news!) Your Journey Begins Here...
Dear Winged Ones,
Bliss is to know the reason you exist, to know your heart’s desire and fulfill it daily, to complete your life; this is when you know your reason for being. "Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony." ~Mahatma Gandhi Bliss is when what you think, feel, say and do are in alignment. We can only live in the moment: times that have past are treasured memories, and those of the future, wealth in the making. But now is where we live and breathe and love and laugh. Now is what I have to give to you. I am compelled to connect, to engage, to share. There will be a bond between us that none will break, that time and distance will not harm. There will be energy; there will be flow. “If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~Nikola Tesla There are many pathways of discovery to finding this balance-bliss-flow-thing, and finding our place in this world and how to make the best of it. What we will share with you are several alternative modalities, or pathways, for you to achieve your own sense of balance, and increase the flow of creative energy and vital life force that surrounds us all and is in us all. Here lie the true gems, the truths as I have come to know them, about this life we live. These multifaceted gems reveal their true treasure not in the viewing or owning, but in the sharing. Jewels such as these become more beautiful with time. These are the riches I wish to share with you.
The age old questions: Who am I? Why am I here? How do I make the best of this life I have been given? What can I do to make my life better? How can I make a difference in the world? Where do I begin? The answers: Right here and right now. Read on and see if any of this resonates, hits home for you. Take time to listen to that still small voice, your spirit, your intuition, to verify and lead you on. Colleen Dunn Saftler, Founder, Take Wing Now Ltd.